Featured artist:
Lindy Fyfe

Curated by Rafi Ghanaghounian
May 30 – July 6, 2024

Soft Motion explores the playfulness and emotional resonance of Lindy Fyfe’s practice.
Using her unique technique of manipulating found fabrics by pulling, shaping and stitching, she
brings together the fundamental elements of visual expression to make a connection with the viewer.
Combining texture, pattern and vivid colour, Fyfe creates harmony and tension, evoking sensory
delight for the viewer.

“When I first began to experiment with textiles, my intention was to create a more complex surface to paint on. However, I found the intersection of seams and the play of movement of patterns suggested alternatives that excited me and directed me toward other possibilities”. Lindy Fyfe

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Our core mission is to embrace and support the work of national and international contemporary creators working in the field of art + design.

Thursday to Saturday:   12 - 6pm
 Or by appointment: contact us at

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